Friday, May 15, 2015


Recently a friend and I decided to take a toy animal and a food and combine it to make a toy called Food-imals. It's package had to not only look cool and draw kids attention, but it had to have a hidden purpose behind carrying the toys. We came up with this idea when we realized how hungry we were and we had been trying to think of an idea for a cool toy. Our hunger and a need for a toy idea inspired Food-imals. All thanks to our stomachs.

The first part was the most challenging. We wanted to create a Mystery Fridge and we wanted to make a flat template that could be folded in such a way as to make a two-story fridge that could hold two little plush Food-imals with a working door. This was harder than it sounds. Thankfully my partner, Greta, figured everything out and made the template work.

Greta designed the middle sections to fold inwards to make the middle shelf, causing the rest of the box to squish back together into a rectangular prism. The end result of the folded box looked like this sort of fridge shape:

For our color palette we went for a childlike feel. We then played around with different foods to see what we could make this little cat orb into for our logo:

With Mr. Cherry Cat done we made the logo appear as a magnet for the completed fridge look.
Finished Product:

(Coming Soon)

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