Friday, March 13, 2015

Gravity Movie Poster

I decided to make my own movie poster for the movie Gravity. It is based off of one of Saul Bass' posters I tried to make it fairly simple like his posters and I had themes. I really liked the movie. I probably like it so much because I watched it at about 3 AM alone when I was planning on going to bed at midnight. Lets just say if I don't get enough sleep I get very emotional. Anyway here is how I made the Gravity poster.

I found a picture of an astronaut drifting along and cut it out using the lasso tool. 

Then I found a picture of the earth from a good distance away and cut that out with the lasso tool. I added the two cut out pictures together, added white dots for stars, and added the movie title and the phrase from the move "Don't let go". I gave both texts a white to black gradient. In the title I gave the V and I a little rope connecting them because in the movie two astronauts are connected together with a cable like that. 

I just added my name in the lower left corner and then it was done. Here is how everything turned out. when I put it all together. I love how it turned out and I'm really happy with it.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Top Ten Things I Can't Live Without

I made a poster in InDesign of the top ten things I can't live without and wrote about why they're important to me. I chose the colors I did because I like the color purple and it has nice contrast with white Helvetica font type. I decided to design the poster with the pictures being in bubbles and the boxes being rounded off to make the poster look more happy, fun, and bubbly not all sharp and boring like a school paper. To make everything on the poster flow I used the rules in InDesign to make each box and then tried to put the picture bubble near its topic.  Here is my finished poster down below. 
The ten things that I put on my poster are a few of my values. Values are what people value in their life and what they love. Like how love my pets so they're on my poster. I would put my family on the poster but I was told to put unique things on there that not everyone would put on a poster. I couldn't think of a tenth thing that was unique so I put on my pets. Marketplaces even uses your personal values to get you to buy things. I like pets so if there is a product such as a candy if there was just a plain label with just the candy name that's boring but if there is a cute cartoon cat or dog on a candy label I'm more likely to buy it. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Working with Type

Here I made my name like this in Illustrator using the kerning tool, the font Gravity, and the vertical/horizontal scale  I typed my first name Katelyn horizontally and then I wrote my last name Brule vertically without the e. I kerned the letter in Brule so the letters wouldn't be too far apart then I edited the size and made the font Gravity. Now I have a cool type of my name in the font Gravity.