I decided to make my own movie poster for the movie Gravity. It is based off of one of Saul Bass' posters I tried to make it fairly simple like his posters and I had themes. I really liked the movie. I probably like it so much because I watched it at about 3 AM alone when I was planning on going to bed at midnight. Lets just say if I don't get enough sleep I get very emotional. Anyway here is how I made the Gravity poster.
I found a picture of an astronaut drifting along and cut it out using the lasso tool.
Then I found a picture of the earth from a good distance away and cut that out with the lasso tool. I added the two cut out pictures together, added white dots for stars, and added the movie title and the phrase from the move "Don't let go". I gave both texts a white to black gradient. In the title I gave the V and I a little rope connecting them because in the movie two astronauts are connected together with a cable like that.
I just added my name in the lower left corner and then it was done. Here is how everything turned out. when I put it all together. I love how it turned out and I'm really happy with it.